Appointed by House Speaker: Kathleen M. Dumais; Michael E. Malone.
Appointed by Dean, University of Baltimore School of Law: Michele M. Nethercott, J.D.
Appointed by Dean, University of Maryland School of Law: Renee M. Hutchins, J.D.
100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Staff: Tiffany A. Maclin
c/o Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention
100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 697-9323
In October 2017, the Task Force to Study Erroneous Conviction and Imprisonment formed (Chapters 799 & 800, Acts of 2017).
The Task Force is to study Maryland's current process for establishing whether a person was convicted wrongly and how to determine innocence, as well as the processes used by other states for designating an erroneous conviction, determining the innocence of a person who was convicted in error, and compensating for the imprisonment that resulted from wrongful conviction. Further, the Task Force will recommend whether Maryland should implement a new process for designating erroneous convictions and determining the innocence of persons so convicted.
Authorization for the Task Force ends September 30, 2018.
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